Stop and think about how many scratched, damaged and even faded objects that are in your house that you are so used to seeing you don’t even notice them anymore. But it’s quite possible that new life can be breathed into your treasures with a professional painting job. With top quality painting from Upturn Painting & Renovation in the Atltanta area inclluding Dunwoody, GA, these items can go from blasé to stunning in just a matter of hours.
Here are 5 things you may have never considered painting that we can easily renovate into something extraordinary:
1.Mom’s old hutch
Of all the furniture we own, a credenza from mom or grandma can rank among the most cherished. As important pieces in the life of a busy family, they can also be the most damaged and neglected. While some of that can add to the charm, a beautifully restored sideboard can really make a statement in your dining room, kitchen or living room if it complements your design colors and has a polished finish. We can match stain and can seal with a protective finish that can give you a showpiece buffet ready to withstand the rigors of the next 20, 30 or even 100 years.
2.Bathroom vanity
Water damage, inferior finishes and wear and tear from children can leave you with a bathroom vanity that is subpar. If you’d like to match your cabinet to your trim, door and other accents, we’ve got design ideas to help. After we’re done painting or staining, varnishing and sealing, you’ll have a vanity that won’t make you cringe. Cleanup will be easier and you’ll be proud of the eye-catching accent piece that your old cabinet has evolved into.
3.Old baseboards
If the trim inside your house is lackluster, damaged and old, Upturn Painting & Renovation has the solution. We can change the finish, repaint or redesign your baseboards and trim to make a potent impact on your space. You’ll be surprised at how much better a room will look once these details have been professionally touched up.
Classic, vintage homes still enjoy the clean steam heat provided by radiators. If your radiators are sticky, flaking paint, dull and something that you try to cover up, you may want to consider a fresh look. We know how to renovate the look and feel of radiators through a process of calculated sandblasting followed by a powder coating that will provide just the right finish to turn your radiators into a thing of beauty.
If your front door is weather damaged or your interior doors show wear and tear, we can provide the professional painting and renovation services that will bring you a door that can add the extra touch that can make the difference in your curb appeal and room design aesthetics.
Trusted Home Painting Experts in Dunwoody, GA
If your doors, radiators, cabinets, baseboards, hutch, credenza, tables and chairs need a new look to be the eye-catching showpieces they were meant to be, call the seasoned painting professionals at Upturn Painting & Renovation in Dunwoody, GA, and let us give you a free estimate.
Get your free estimate today!
Call us today at (678) 671 0031 or email us to set up an appointment for your initial consultation. Our services in professional painting can give you a positive return on investment and can make a dynamic impact on the aesthetics of your house.